Analysis of Census 2016

Census 2016

This package contains selected totals from the Community Profiles time series data, released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics as part of the Census 2016 release.

pkgs_suggested <- c("magrittr", 
suggested_packages_usable <-
  all(vapply(pkgs_suggested, requireNamespace, logical(1), quietly = TRUE))

knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = suggested_packages_usable,
                      # dev = "png",
                      fig.width = 8,
                      fig.height = 6)
## For additional data packages for the 2016 Census, visit
data.kable <- function(DT) {
  current_knitr.kable.NA <- options("knitr.kable.NA")
  options(knitr.kable.NA = '...')
  on.exit(options(knitr.kable.NA = current_knitr.kable.NA))
  if (nrow(DT) > 50) {
    middle_row <- = 1, ncol = ncol(DT)))
    setnames(middle_row, seq_along(middle_row), names(DT))
    DT_topn <- rbind(head(DT),
    kable(DT_topn, format.args = list(big.mark = ","))
  } else {
    kable(DT, format.args = list(big.mark = ","))

There is one function see_question() and 6 data sets.


This is a simple data.table of multiple variables for each statistical area 2 (SA2)-census year combination. The columns are ordered roughly by the order of the questions on the Census form. Not all values are available to satisfy CRAN’s limits on package size.

Both the sa2_code and sa2_name are provided for convenience.

Median mortgage vs median income

Census2016_wide_by_SA2_year %>%
  .[year == 2016] %>%
  .[, .(sa2_name, persons, median_household_income, median_annual_mortgage)] %>%
  .[order(median_annual_mortgage)] %>%
sa2_name persons median_household_income median_annual_mortgage
Deua - Wadbilliga 25 44,148 0
Port Kembla Industrial 10 0 0
Illawarra Catchment Reserve 8 0 0
Prospect Reservoir 40 0 0
Banksmeadow 18 0 0
Port Botany Industrial 10 0 0
Cottesloe 7,375 138,788 39,000
Lilli Pilli - Port Hacking - Dolans Bay 3,148 155,220 39,300
Nedlands - Dalkeith - Crawley 18,534 118,976 39,600
Rose Bay - Vaucluse - Watsons Bay 11,840 150,228 41,604
Balgowlah - Clontarf - Seaforth 20,186 145,496 41,604
Hunters Hill - Woolwich 10,345 142,064 42,000
Census2016_wide_by_SA2_year %>%
  .[year == 2016] %>%
  .[, .(sa2_name, persons, median_household_income, median_annual_mortgage)] %>%
  .[median_annual_mortgage > 0] %>%
  .[, mortgage_less_income := median_annual_mortgage - median_household_income] %>%
  .[, text := NA_character_] %>%
  .[, color := "black"] %>%
  .[order(mortgage_less_income)] %>%
  .[.N:1 <= 5, text := sa2_name] %>%
  .[.N:1 <= 5, color := "red"] %>%
  .[1:.N <= 5, text := sa2_name] %>%
  .[1:.N <= 5, color := "blue"] %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = median_household_income,
             y = median_annual_mortgage,
             size = persons,
             alpha = persons,
             color = color)) +
  geom_point() + 
  scale_color_identity() +
  scale_size(labels = comma) +
  scale_alpha_continuous(labels = comma,
                         range = c(0, 0.5)) +
  scale_x_continuous("Median annual household income", labels = dollar) + 
  scale_y_continuous("Median annual mortgage", labels = dollar) + 
  geom_label_repel(aes(label = text),
                   alpha = 1,
                   na.rm = TRUE) + 
  ggtitle("High-income households live alongside high-mortgage households",
          subtitle = paste0("SA2s, 2016 with 5 highest (red) or lowest (blue)",
                            " nonzero mortgage relative to income"))

Changes from previous years

In addition to the 2016 data, the package also includes 2006 and 2011 census data as part of the time series. The ABS has released these data series to be comparable; even though the SA2 boundaries have changed you may assume that they refer to the same geographic area.

We can see that Mandarin has become much more common

languages_spoken_by_year <-
  Census2016_languages %>%
  .[, .(persons = sum(persons)), keyby = .(language, year)] %>%
  setorder(-year, -persons) %>%

languages_spoken_by_year %>%
  # Examine the top six languages,
  # leave the others unlabelled and grey
  .[language %in% languages_spoken_by_year$language[1:6],
    Language := language] %>%
  .[year == 2016, text := Language] %>%
  .[, Language := reorder(Language, -persons)] %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = year,
             y = persons,
             group = language,
             color = Language, 
             label = text)) + 
  geom_line() +
  scale_y_continuous(label = comma) +
  geom_text_repel(na.rm = TRUE,
                  fontface = "bold",
                  force = 1.5,
                  nudge_x = 0.5)


Although Census2016 is intended as a data-only package, there is one function, see_question.

It is frequently useful to view the actual question that was asked when looking at survey data. see_question provides a convenient way to do this without leaving RStudio (or even your keyboard). There are two methods: see_question.numeric takes a question number and prints it.


The other method is dispatched when one of the two-dimensional tables is supplied. This method returns the relevant question to the data set. For example,


(The data input is returned invisibly.)